Thursday, July 25, 2013

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Electronic bureaucracy His Panayi GALIATSATOU - The Daily

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Reality electronic signature lawyer is ... - Express

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Extension to electronic prescribing ask agronomists - AgroNews (Register)

Agronews | 24/07/2013 – 04:52 pm

held on 07.17.2013 in Tripoli and 22.07.2013 in Patras meetings of the Steering Committee, the Division of Agronomy GEOTEE Peloponnese & Western. Central Greece, agronomic bodies and private agronomists.

The meetings were mainly involved in the issue of institutionalization of prescriptions in the distribution of pesticides. Heard many opinions from those present colleagues that led to the common position by an overwhelming majority vote.

The Common Position adopted is as follows:
1. The agronomic sector is consistent with the introduction of compulsory presence and take scientific responsibility by signing the agronomist in all agricultural inputs (eg prescribing, electronic recording). The presence of scientific agriculturist welcomed not only in the case of pesticides, but an application and fertilizers and propagating material
2. Under the specific conditions in plant protection in our country to establish incompatibility between distributor and prescriber are against colleagues who attended the meetings. Therefore requested the deletion of the relevant provisions included in the draft law of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food
3. Regarding the launch of the electronic recording of the agricultural medicines, which is decreed by Law 4036, should be extended to the start date as yet not ready electronic platform data entry. The launch will be done when the program is compl ete the data entry (platform) and given six months to make this experiment in order to avoid any problems in the market of plant protection products and their colleagues from potential problems and glitches
4. Along with the approval process polynomoschediou should be set up working groups with the participation of GEOTEE for drafting the implementing Presidential Decrees, especially in the part of prescribing. These groups should consider important issues such as amateur, crop micro-deprived approvals of cocultures eg vegetable etc.
5. Regarding penalties on the management of obsolete pesticides should be reconsidered their height the moment not organized collection and management system of these products in the current legislation is waste

addition to the meeting of Patras and raised the following issues:
1. Within the implementing Presidential Decrees should consider the establishment of confining the provision prescribing in order to safeguard the scientific validity of the service but also to prevent possible unfair competition.
2. In view of the creation of an electronic platform should consider these interfaces with the system monitoring plots to be directly entered data but also can provide information for each parcel will be affected by electronic recording or prescribing

noted that the GEOTEE / Annex Peloponnese & Western. Mainland Greece has been placed by decision of the Steering Committee on the issue of prescription of pesticides but also on all the articles of the bill.

Electronic voting for the new rector of the University ... -

in progress e-voting, which will end at 16.00, for the election of a new rector authority at the University of Peloponnese.

The office of the rector claimed Professor Constantine Masselos, associate dean in the last year by the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, based in Tripoli and Prof. Panteleimon Sklias by the Department of Political Science and International Relations based in Corinth.

Source: ANA – MPA

In electronics based "Estia" real estate ... - /

the single electronic database Property “Estia”, will perform on Thursday morning Labour Minister Yiannis Vroutsis and CEO Chris IDIKA Chalaris.

According to the announcement, this is a modern, reliable and dynamic electronic database, in which the Ministry of Labour and all its regulated entities-insurance funds, OAED will record a full and detailed information on all of their real estate, both for the property owning as and those who lease.

Electronic voting at the Univ. Peloponnese - Zougla

First registration: January 24 ??????? 2013, 13:46

in progress e-voting, which will end at 16.00, for the election of a new rector authority at the University of Peloponnese.

The office of the rector claimed Professor Constantine Masselos, associate dean in the last year by the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, based in Tripoli, and Prof. Panteleimon Sklias by the Department of Political Science and International Relations based in Corinth.

Last updated: Thursday, 24 ??????? 2013, 14:06

Actually the electronic signature law in Athens - CNA-Crete


Electronic signature lawyer and the electronic filing of court documents is now a reality for lawyers of Athens, while readily extended to other cities such as Thessaloniki and Patras.

From 27 May 2013 enable electronic filing of court documents to the State Council, and since April 2012 has started similar deposit in court in Athens.

lawyers can now acquire the necessary memory stick containing the electronic signature in order from their office, their home, the beach or wherever you are, they can make a statement of (pipelines, appeals, lawsuits k . etc..) at the Council of State and the Court of Athens.

To obtain an electronic signature lawyer he not only has to submit his credentials (using password already) to Bank Legal Information “Isocrates» ( of the Athens Bar Association (DPS) and choose the words: “Application of Digital Certificate».

The President of the Athens Bar Association, John Adamopoulos, on the issue of electronic signatures and electronic filing of court documents, said:

«The Athens Bar Association as an accredited registration authority of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance, created the necessary infrastructure for obtaining digital certificates, which is a prerequisite for the overall implementation of the electronic filing of court documents. Already, lawyers of Athens granted more than 1,300 signatures. Our Association will continue to contribute in every possible way in the modernization of justice systems in all areas ».


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another 'e' property sale - Daily

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As Friday: Extension for the electronic submission ... -

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Electronic auction of public property - Zougla

First registration: January 23 ??????? 2013, 20:48

With the sale of another property for a consideration 5.9 million continuing operation of the online platform of electronic auctions – real estate, said in a statement the TAIPED.

It is a listed building, floor area of ??715 sq.m. (172 sq.m. plus basement) located on Ermou Street 19 in the Constitution.

The property received at the Greek State in 1991 by Estate without a claimant is leased to the company “Odysseus Fokas SA”. Pleiodotithike 5.9 million in cash from institutional investors, which corresponds to about 8,250 euros per square meter.

Last updated: Thursday, 23 ??????? 2013, 21:09

Electronic signature lawyers - AFP

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Given an extension until Friday to declarations ID is ... - /

A few hours before the deadline for submission of tax returns for taxpayers that the TIN ending in digits 1 and 2 decided by the leadership of the Ministry of Finance to grant extensions to facilitate them. Specifically, extended until Friday, July 26, 2013 the deadline (July 22 expired yesterday) electronic submission of annual income tax returns of taxpayers TIN ending in 1 and 2.

However, the practice of the political leadership of the Ministry of Finance causes irritation to accountants, tax advisers and taxpayers the who seek to “open” electronic system for all by the end of August.

The presentation of this year’s statement progresses to Calvary. And this, not because they have been significant changes in the basic form E1, but because of the delay to “open” electronic system Taxisnet, significantly delayed the issuance of circulars, and created huge problems with the indication of interest on deposits in the relevant codes.

intention of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance is all taxpayers regardless AFM to submit their declaration until August 30. At present, however, not expected announcement by the Ministry of Finance. Information indicates that the system will open after 10 to 15 August. This means that by then the return would be submitted depending on the last digit of the AFM.

The main reason that the leadership of the Ministry of Finance did not announce the opening of the portal by the end of August for all taxpayers is Collection. That attempts to collect as many income tax personal income since the shortfall in budget revenue exceeds 1.6 billion.

noted that married people can make use of the most favorable TIN of the spouses and to submit the statement until the expiry of the AFM with the highest endpoint number.

For example, if someone has a VAT number ending in 2 and his wife have TIN ending in 0, then the statement may be filed until 30 August.

Problems of this year’s tax returns is as follows:

1. The electronic application filing opened very late, namely on 24 May.

2. Interest on deposits that are required to be reported this year (over 250 million) recorded in the relevant codes on July 17, ie five days before the expiry of declarations for taxpayers with VAT number ending in 1 and 2. Indeed, in several cases occur errors. However, taxpayers if they consider that the elements of interest are errors, they can fix it. The responsibility for submitting the declaration is theirs, so the declared elements must be approved by them. In case of joint accounts the interest amounts not allocated to joint holders, but pre-filled codes of the tax return of the first holder of the account. This does not mean, however, that these figures can not be corrected. Senior finance ministry said: “The statement belongs to the taxpayers, who are responsible for supplementing. The finance ministry facilitates taxpayers filling in interest. A taxpayer who so wishes may apportion the amount of interest and enter codes 659-660 the amounts due to it ».

3. The explanatory circular for submitting the tax declaration was issued on June 26.

4. The circular for the filing of legal persons adopted and had begun the process of submitting declarations.

5. The system Taxisnet major problems, resulting in many cases they can not submit their statement.

6. Vast were the delays and problems in sending certificates to retired pay.

Electronic signature lawyer and filing pleadings -

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To work Antonis Samaraki the electronic age - Yahoo! News

From the same publishing house, as we have informed you, have released other important works of Antoni Samaraki, the novel “The Mistake” and the short story collections “Wanted hope” and “Decline”. Indeed, the above titles are available in e-book for the younger generations of readers …

«System is the most formidable enemy, the mechanism of annihilation, the cross of man. The System is the sneaky way he found evil to dominate the world, a mincer which obscures man that makes him similar to puppet, repressed without freedom, pride, without face. This enemy has never ceased to fight the Samarakis in this has not stopped a moment to resist, in his own way, that is his word. Whether it whisper or scream or a finger writes in the air, the complaint is clear, straightforward, blunt. The complaint is tender and relentless, as the writer who articulates. Against the System. Against Totalitarianism. Against the spiritual and moral death of man. With stories in the Passport, the Samarakis transforms the harsh raw material of the junta, and his own experiences from dictatorial period, and synthesizes a common myth, real and tangible. The passport is read as a call of urgency and always crucial. He invites us into existential alertness and action that restores cons istency between words and deeds. Only then are the genuine revolutions, and thus claiming the top man given to him and no one can deprive him: the same freedom ».

Anthony Samarakis (1919-2003) graduated from the Law School of Athens University and worked for many years in the Department of Labor, from which he resigned in 1963. As a representative of Greece and the United Nations, he traveled to many countries in Europe, America, Africa, on social issues. Appeared in prose in 1954 with the short story collection “Wanted hope.” His works have been translated into 33 languages ??in 114 foreign editions. For the collection of short stories “Decline” was honored with the National Short Story Prize, for his novel “The wrong ‘with two literary prizes: in Greece, the Award of” 12 “, and in France, the Grand Prize crime fiction. For all his work was honored with the Award for Literature Europalia. He was professor emeritus at the Department of Philology of the Philosophical Schools of the Universities of Athens, Patras and Ioannina, and his works are taught in primary and secondary education and universities in Greece and abroad. Also was proclaimed an honorary citizen in 40 cities in Greece and Cyprus. He has won numerous international medals and awards, such as the Order of the phoenix of Greek Republic, the Order of the Legion of Honour in France, the Gold Medal of Merit of the city of Athens, the Grand Cross of the Order of Makarios III Ethnarchou etc. In 1989, UNICEF New York named him the first Greek Goodwill Ambassador for the world’s children. His name have gotten schools, roads and cultural centers.

Related Articles on click @ life
  • To work Antonis Samaraki the electronic age
  • The portrait of Mayakovsky by Mitsos Alexandropoulos
  • «The Mediterranean cries of” by Elsa Farazi

Monday, July 22, 2013

Start the online application for the new ERT -

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Actually the electronic signature law in Athens -

lawyer’s electronic signature and electronic filing of court documents is now a reality for lawyers of Athens, while readily extended to other cities such as Thessaloniki and Patras.

From May 27, 2013 is enable electronic filing of court documents to the State Council, and since April 2012 has started similar deposit in court in Athens.

lawyers can now acquire the necessary memory stick containing the electronic signature in order from their office, their home, the beach or wherever you are, they can make a statement of (pipelines, appeals, lawsuits, etc.) at the Council of State and the Court of Athens.

For acquisition of electronic signatures he attorney not only has to submit his credentials (using password already) to Bank Legal Information “Isocrates» ( of the Athens Bar Association (DPS) and to select : “Application of Digital Certificate».

The President of the Athens Bar Association, John Adamopoulos, on the issue of electronic signatures and electronic filing of court documents, said:

«The Athens Bar Association as registration authority accredited by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance, created the necessary infrastructure for providing digital certificates, which is a prerequisite for the overall implementation of the electronic filing of court documents. Already, lawyers of Athens granted more than 1,300 signatures. Our Association will continue to contribute in every possible way in the modernization of justice systems in all areas ».

Electronic submission of pleadings to the courts in Athens -

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Extended the electronic submission of tax returns - Daily

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Electronic signature for lawyers of Athens -

lawyer’s electronic signature and electronic filing of court documents is now a reality for lawyers of Athens, while readily extended to other cities such as Thessaloniki and Patras.

lawyers can now obtain the necessary memory stick containing the electronic signature in order from their office, their home, the beach or wherever you are, they can make a statement of (pipelines, appeals, lawsuits, etc.) at the Council of State and the Court of Athens.

To obtain an electronic signature (which bears no relation to the famous handwritten signature) he lawyer only has to submit his credentials by making a ‘splash’ (using password already) to Bank Legal Information “Isocrates» ( of the Athens Bar Association (DPS) and choose the words: “Application of Digital Certificate».

there already waiting lawyer ready form (card) with all its elements. The only thing which has to do is fill in the text box (“box”) on the card the number of police identity and the city where the office is located, and the date to which it wants to receive the memory stick with electronic signature.

But the lawyer who is not familiar with the new technology has the potential to free training on how to use both electronic signatures and electronic filing of the appeal. The training, which lasts about an hour, is in the Educational Center “Isocrates’ housed on the road Fidiou 18 in the center of Athens and can be done on the day and time that lawyers facilitated.

The memory stick (USB) digital signature that gives the “green light” for electronic filing, costing the lawyer with just 22 euros. The memory stick contains two formulas (algorithms). This algorithm uses a “generator” random number based on that random number generates public and private key (the ‘private key’ created the digital signature and the “public key” check the digital signature). This key is used to identify the lawyer.

If the memory stick with the electronic signature is lost, although it can not be used by another person because of the inherent security code will immediately be declared the DPS or the National Certification Authority (HERMES) for the cancellation and reissue new.

Necessary to note that so far no other professional body has not ensured its members to safeguard the electronic signature.

electronic filing of court documents
From 27 May 2013 enable electronic filing of court documents to the State Council, and since April 2012 has started similar deposit in court in Athens.

So with the entrance of the lawyer’s computer system immediately begins the “Radiography of.” That is checked whether this lawyer has a disciplinary penalty is not allowed to practice if the suspended status of the law, as eg has been employed minister or secretary general ministry, etc.

After having established that the attorney has no barrier, the process moves to the next stage which is the choice of forum, the type of application and the class of grammars prepayment desired by counsel.

The lawyer should tab that appears on the screen, add the customer’s name, the number of certified copies you want to take, the total pages of the application (lawsuits, etc.).
Then follow the payment procedure of the Secretary prepayment that was similarly done electronically via the partner with DPS, bank.

Data lawyer (registration number , name, office address, email address, transaction ID, etc.) transmitted from the computer system DPS the court wants the lawyer to make the filing of the application and automatically opens the page of the court with the completed elements, while then electronically signed.

that remains despite the lawyer to make a ‘click’ ‘click’ on the word ‘mission application “that exists on the card, which is on the computer screen, in order to complete the process.

The court then sends the lawyer electronically signed an application deposit receipt, and copies requested for service, while the DPS inform the lawyer and by SMS to mobile for the successful completion of filing of the application and the date of the hearing date.
Note that the granting of digital signatures is provided for electronic filing of court documents.

president of DPS John Adamopoulos, for that matter electronic signature and electronic filing of court documents, said:

«The Athens Bar Association as the registration authority accredited by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance, created the necessary infrastructure for obtaining digital certificates, which is prerequisite for the overall implementation of the electronic filing of court documents. Already, lawyers of Athens granted more than 1,300 signatures. Our Association will continue to contribute in every possible way in the modernization of justice systems in all areas ».

Britain: Automatic filters that block electronic ... - Tribune Online

will hereinafter block access to pornography all Internet providers in Britain, unless a user chooses not blocked. This measure announced Monday British Prime Minister David Cameron , among a set of similar measures include the criminalization of possession line pornography showing rape.

Cameron stressed that access to online pornography «erodes childhood» .

These new measures relate to both young and old internet users.

The British prime minister also asked some «horrific» search terms to get blacklisted and not bring no effect when placed in search engines like Google and Bing.

Speaking to «BBC», Cameron said he expects «fight» with internet facilities which accused «not doing enough to assume their responsibilities» although «have a moral obligation» .

Showing how determined is to implement control over online pornography providers warned that there will be no tolerance for any «Technical Barriers» and have to do everything to overcome them.

By the end of the year, “filters family-friendly” will automatically apply to all new connections to the Internet and each user will select whether they wish to have it removed. As for the millions of already existing connections, providers will contact their customers and ask them to decide if they wish to install “filters family friendly” that block access to online pornography.

Cameron mentioned «on the impact of the Internet on the innocence of our children» and «how pornography erodes childhood» . He added that «the darkest corners of the internet, things happen that are a direct threat to our children» . He concluded: «I speak as moralist, but because as a politician and as a father I feel deeply that it is time to take action. It is about how we protect our children and their innocence ».

Experts expect that ISPs will challenge the interpretation of the new measures and Cameron will insist on the idea that the filters amount to censorship.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Russians found the answer to electronic espionage! - Yahoo! OMG

The Federal Security Service of Russia ordered 20 electric typewriters worth about 11,500 euros, while
other departments of the country create documents without using a computer.

According to an anonymous source who spoke in Russian newspaper, the Ministry of Defence of the country, and other special government agencies are already creating paper documents and do not use electronic devices.

After the leaks of classified documents by WikiLeaks and the recent revelations from Edward Snowden and program PRISM, decided to broaden the practice of using paper as the anonymous source told the newspaper.

The production of typewriters has not stopped, as many believe, there is still a market, especially in developing countries.

For the record, the typewriters used by the Russians, is reported to be the Triumph Adler TWEN 180.

Becomes an act "electronic violation" of the brain - Yahoo! OMG

If the thought that someone can hack your computer or your mobile phone alarms you, imagine what will be if a few years from now
hackers can invade the your brain and read your thoughts …

According to new research presented f 21st USENIX Security Symosium, something that looks like it has come from science fiction such as the so-called “brain hacking” might be more realistic than we think or want to believe.

The research focused on the use of equipment that lets you control computers via brain waves, namely the P300 wave emitted when we see something important. According to scientists, if a hacker has access to such equipment t managed to develop an application “brain spyware”, you can easily eavesdrop on personal information of unsuspecting victims, such as passwords, credit card codes k other depths.

Indeed, the researchers conducted a study where 28 participants took part and who underwent multiple questions wearing a special headset. The results showed that this technique was about 15% -40% more accurate than other similar methods “guessing”.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Electronic pliers debtors government and rapid ... - Iefimerida

very quickly will become longer foreclosure process assets and income for those who do not pay on time their contributions to larger pension funds, planned by the government.

According to the ‘free press’, borrowers contributions will be recorded and tracked electronically through the Centre Collection Insurance Charges (KEAO) and Electronic Registry Debtors provided to set up the multi-bill, which passed these days by the House.

Government will set up a single system certificate and enforced payment of contributions, which will be valid for IKA OAEE, OGA and the Unified Fund Regardless Employed (EBRD). This system will be supported by a single electronic register Debtors for the full electronic “profiling” of all those who owe the 4 major funds.

Electronic regulation of overdue debts to the State - Nation

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Friday, July 19, 2013

TAIPED: first electronic auction property - ABC News

With electronic auctioning two properties began Wednesday the operation of the web-based electronic auctions – real estate.

As the TAIPED in a statement, this effort will be strengthened in order to exploit the platform through a large number of public buildings throughout the Greek territory which today are mostly completely abandoned and unused.

The Fund announced that submitted bids totaling € 1.5 million.

The first property, a total area of ??703 m² on a plot of 226 sq.m., located in Kolonaki and is classified as scheduled, pleiodotithike to € 1,1 cm

As noted by TAIPED by selling this property survives a particular architecture. This property was designed by architect B. Tsagris despite the great interest for the study of the architectural history of the city of Athens, remains empty and unmaintained for more than seven years and therefore risk the structural condition and further the government lacks significant revenues.

The second public property, which pleiodotithike 400.000 euros Kalamitsa located on the beach in the city of Kavala. According em Fund, the completion of this auction and investments are expected to realize the buyer will contribute to the strengthening of tourism and boost the local economy.

his statements, the Executive Director of TAIPED Andreas Taprantzis appeared satisfied “for the successful start of this modern and fully transparent process of real estate via the Internet, which is a novelty and not only for the Greek data».

«In a difficult economic climate, the TAIPED failed to attract investor interest, a high price offered for these properties in a ridden market,” he added.

The platform is the result of cooperation with the Company TAIPED Property Bills (ETAD).

In operation the electronic application for regulating ... - CNA-Crete

In full operation has been the electronic application for setup arrears to the state of natural and legal persons in 100 installments (the “Last Chance”), according to an announcement by the Finance Ministry.

In particular, as mentioned in the Communication “by the General Secretariat of Public Revenue announced that following recent announcements and application of the provisions of Law 4152/13 and POL 1111/2013 and POL 1140/2013, has been already , fully operational electronic application setup program arrears to the State Natural and legal persons to 100 doses (the ‘Last Chance »).»

»The application is available on the website of the General Secretariat for Information Systems (

»recalled that on 25.7.2013 scheduled to come into operation associated online application that will concern settings arrears to the state of natural and legal persons in up to 24 installments (the” Fixed Set »)».

Electronic "trap" with interest deposits - Who ... -

?????????, 19 ??????? 2013 – 12:29

did it again … the miracle of the Ministry of Finance. Instead banks experience on our tax returns the net amount of interest, they sent the gross, ie the sum of interest and tax. This means additional taxes unnecessarily hundred thousand taxpayers.

See how to avoid the trap

In operation the electronic application for regulating ... - Economy

Operating the electronic application for adjustment of overdue debts

In full operation has been the electronic application for setup arrears to the state of natural and legal persons in doses up to 100 program “Last Chance”, according to an announcement by the Ministry of Finance.

In particular, as mentioned in the Communication “by the General Secretariat of Public Revenue announced that following recent announcements and application of the provisions of Law 4152/13 and POL 1111/2013 and POL 1140/2013, has been already , fully operational electronic application setup program arrears to the state of natural and legal persons in doses up to 100 program “Last Chance». »

»The application is available on the website of the General Secretariat for Information Systems

»recalled that on 25.7.2013 scheduled to come into operation associated online application that will concern settings arrears to the state of natural and legal persons in doses up to 24 program” Fixed Set »».

Public Works: In use the electronic application setup debts - Voria

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

In operation the electronic application for regulating ... - /

In full operation has been the electronic application for setup arrears to the state of natural and legal persons in 100 installments (the “Last Chance”), according to an announcement by the Finance Ministry.

In particular, as mentioned in the Communication “by the General Secretariat of Public Revenue announced that following recent announcements and application of the provisions of Law 4152/13 and POL 1111/2013 and POL 1140/2013, has been already in full function electronic application setup program arrears to the State Natural and legal persons to 100 doses (the ‘Last Chance »).»

»The application is available on the website of the General Secretariat for Information Systems (

»recalled that on 25.7.2013 scheduled to come into operation corresponding computer applications for settlement of overdue debts to the State Natural and legal persons to 24 doses ( program “Fixed Set») ».

In operation the electronic application for adjustment of debts - ABC News

In full operation has been the electronic application for setup arrears to the state of natural and legal persons in 100 installments (the “Last Chance”), as announced by the General Secretariat of Public Revenues.

The application is available on the website of the General Secretariat for Information Systems (

parallel, on July 25 scheduled to come into operation associated online application that will concern settings arrears to the state of natural and legal persons in up to 24 installments (the “Fixed Set»).

With online auction sales of the first two public ... - Daily

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TAIPED: For the first time electronic auction property - SKAI


Achilles isotopes

Post: 18/07/2013 – 22:09 Updated: 18/07/2013 – 22:09


Electronic auctions – for the first time – two properties announced TAIPED.

Is a listed property in Kolonaki, 703 m by architect Basil Tsagris which pleiodotithike to 1.1 million €

The property remained unmaintained for more than seven years.

The second property is located on the beach in Kavala Kalamitsa and sold for 400.000 €.

Trying to use public properties through electronic auction platform, was launched after TAIPED collaboration with the Company Estate Bills (ETAD). The goal is to build a large number of public buildings throughout the country, most of which remain abandoned.

TAIPED: For the first time electronic auctioning real estate
The effort to harness public properties through electronic auction platform, was launched after …
18.07.2013, 22:09

in the public assigns three properties Virtue Tsochatzopoulos
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Tests showed truancy officers in four ministries
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Britain: The top three complaints of rape or Greece


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In running the application for participation in the ‘Modernising Gas Stations »
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