Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Electronic prescribing for the active substance agricultural ... -

Our proposal aims this is to control and the enforcing correct selection and mobilization of agricultural medicinal products in frameworks of integrated pest, as for monitoring, trafficking of approved agricultural medicines in Greece, through the implementation of Electronics Prescribing and of Electronics recording Trafficking of agricultural medicines.

The shrinkage the public sector at staff and the reduction of portability except headquarters of civil servants for in situ visit to corn field, combined with the continuous and physical presence of responsible scientist in stores retail agricultural drugs that introduced by Article 35 , Fri. the 8th of Law 4036/2012 (FEK A8), but and the need exclusion any feasibility commercial profit against the proper selection and use of active substances sector necessitates and beneficial the development a network of advisers with license prescribing independent from their distributors agricultural medicines and under the control and the supervision of competent public services.

The consultants with license prescribing will are responsible for the correct application of integrated pest in agricultural holdings of professionals users agricultural medicines and will issue electronic recipe use of agricultural drugs that will concern to the active substance and in proper use. The choosing a particular commercial formulation that will contain your syntagografeisa active substance will done by the coordinator scientist of the store retail agricultural medicines, who according with Article 35, Fri the 7th of Law 4036/2012 (FEK A8) has and obligation to provides general information about with potential risks for man and the environment from the use of commercial formulation particular on with the sources hazards, exposure of the user, him rectum way of storing, handling and implementation, the safe disposal of the spraying mixtures remaining after application and the management of vacant packaging.

The termination of until today uncontrolled market were and use agricultural medicines and their application of its rules integrated pest will have as result the significant reduce production costs of rural products due: (a) reducing Unneeded, extemporaneous or untargeted interventions plant protection with agrochemicals and (b) of minimization of the need of intervention with a agricultural medications as consequence of using of adequately tended measures for limiting pest, protection of beneficial organisms and management the occurrence of resistance to the active substances. Alongside case the prescription of agricultural drugs will ensure to the maximum extent the production of products without dangerously residues agricultural medicines and will thus result in increased confidence of domestic and foreign markets into Greek rural products, in increasing exports in particularly demanding markets and user price improvement of the producer.

It goes without saying that the aimed reduction of interventions with agricultural medications and the rationalized these will Availing significantly both the consumer, alike and the surroundings, making it rural development sustainable and “green».

The technological possibility of electronic implementation of Prescribing and of recording trafficking of agricultural drugs will constitute a useful tool for the effective control of the whole scheme from competent public services and imposition of necessary criminal sanctions where need.

The proposal for a compulsory implementation of integrated fight poverty and the ePrescription of the active substance of agricultural drugs that establishes and remuneration of the for providing services by agronomic scientific support, it is fully compatible with the modern Greek standard rural development program aimed on qualitative and certified products and so this has become received with very positive crises until today by the forms Audiovisual license and electronic country’s SMEs, while it constituted and joint proposal from the ANNEXES our with the Agricultural Association Macedonia – Thrace and the Panhellenic Enosis Neon Peasants (P. E.V.A. out) under overall proposal YPETHROS 2020.

noted that electronic prescribing of the active substance of agricultural medicines should be applied to all crops and not only in some by them after from the Y.A. laid down in under submission bill, why the quality the product and that protection the consumer and the environment must be assured to the total primary production. In Otherwise, the candidate Checks on correct implementation of ePrescription will is insufficient and possibly non implementable. Also, vital to the successful operation of system is the electronic entry of the unique code number of the recipe when selling the commercial formulation in stores retail selling for reasons traceability and integrated control (implementation system barcode).

sentence of Appendix our is as competent licensing Authority for permits prescribing be defined the GEOTEE and implemented the envisaged from Article 5, Fri, the 2nd of PD 344/2000 (FEK A 297) which explicitly foresees that “geotechnical is alone have powers to issue prescriptions drugs involving objects of their specialty». The license prescribing should be issued only to those agronomists have proven scientific adequacy with basis their titles their studies and courses plant protection who have attended at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Will must also be enacted from polity as obligation for version as of license Prescribing and the successful monitoring relevant program education for the implementation of electronic Prescribing and updating knowledge across the issues of integrated pest, that will organizes the GEOT.E. E. in cooperation with the AEI and Scientific Societies. Finally, judged indispensable the adoption and application disciplinary procedure which will imposes penalties will temporarily removes or authorization definitively prescribing (or even and vocational permission of GEOTEE) in case unscientific or unethical action of the prescriber, so to ensure the highest level provider services.

With price,

For the thesis

The President The Gen. Secretary

Dr.. Athanasious Saropoulos Maximus Petrakakis

Source: ANA – MPA

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