Monday, May 27, 2013

The sell-off as an investment | Kilkis24 • The online newspaper ... - Kilkis Today

periklis-korovesis Pericles Korovesi

China remains communist in a capitalist world. Theoretically we should have a new cold war, as the time of the omnipotence of the USSR. But I do not see it. There oligarch or multinational that is not enamored with China and not investing in it. So any sane man wonders: Or the whole world was communist and did not understand or China is an aggressive capitalist superpower. Judging only by the billionaires featuring-among them the granddaughter of Mao-and the many millions of poor Chinese people forced to migrate permanently, either within China or outside-even in Greece come-then all theories of Mao on equality resemble grotesque farce.

China has a serious advantage over the other capitalist countries. Is an absolute dictatorship, only comparable with the totalitarianism of the twentieth century. And has more executions than the U.S.. The Executed a macabre investment. As denounced official who fled to the West, the condemned are not executed instantaneously, but injured in non-vital organs. Then transferred to special hospitals where organs are removed, packed and exported.

all knew that China has a wide range of exports. But no one could have imagined such a sadistic trade. And yet, there has been no sanction despite the protests of organizations on human rights.

China, like any other superpower, looking to consolidate its interests worldwide. Unlike the other imperialist powers do not do with war and conquest, moreover there is no such tradition in history, but performs in two ways: through purchases and loans. Countries that are indebted sell their sources of wealth despite the birr, to meet current needs without regard for the future. Corrupt politicians who are only interested in the starter, do not ever put the question: “After the foreign investor finds a profitable public company and buys, why do not we keep and profits go to the public good?”. But they do not care about that. Interested in the growth of poverty and misery, because it drops the value of labor power. The Chinese have bought huge tracts of fertile land in Africa, investing in what we call a “land grab.” And that means the disappearance of small agricultural production which fed the local communities for the benefit of monopolies only i nterested in profit.

And on this basis choose crops. If livestock products or biofuels more profit, let him world have died of hunger. Today almost all of Africa has “kinezopoiithei».

The other method is borrowing. Latin America borrowed from China have mortgaged the wealth-producing sources. Ecuador, for example, deforestation three thousand hectares of virgin rainforest, to settle there, the Chinese oil companies, angering indigenous peoples will forcibly exiled from their land. The same will happen in Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina who had mortgaged their raw materials in China. Samaritan lender does not exist. The Shylock of the world have united.

There is still a myth to export products in China. We hear quite a lot that the Chinese have gone mad with Greek olive oil and our wines. And this will boost our economy. This of course is a fat lie to cover another sellout of another wealth producing sources. If you like these products to the Chinese, then they will buy the olive groves and vineyards and we will introduce Greek products from China. Excessive? Liked the Chinese and fine French wines from famous vineyards of southern France. About half of the branded French wines are now in the hands of the Chinese. The French speak of cultural destruction. But they did nothing. Inertia is the best help for their predators.

newspaper article the authors

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